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  • Michael

Introducing Bald Rainbow Monster

Updated: Feb 15, 2021

The Bald Rainbow Monster is the second Monster from Good Monsters, chosen from our catalog of Benjamin's art by our fans on Facebook. Each design from Good Monsters supports a different childhood literacy charity, and for Bald Rainbow Monster we chose BookMates, a New Jersey-based organization ensuring that children get 1-1 weekly reading sessions with volunteers. BookMates was recognized by President Obama for their work to train Camden's police officers to be reading partners, mentors, role models, and trusted resources for kindergarten students in Camden.

As of today, you can buy the Bald Rainbow Monster in 10 different colors on Amazon:


Here's Benjamin's original drawing:

And here's Benjamin's origin story for Bald Rainbow Monster:

Bald Rainbow Monster used to be a guy named Bob. Bob used to play pranks on the people in the village, and nobody ever knew it was him. But one day, Bob played a prank on the village wizard. The wizard got very mad. He knew that it was Bob who played the prank on him, because of his magical powers. The wizard decided to teach Bob a lesson. He made him bald, and gave him colorful stripes, so that he would always be recognizable, and no longer able to play his pranks in secret anymore.

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